Lou Gordon
“Tell it like it really is.”
Lou Gordon
Detroit’s Mike Wallace
Deborah Gordon is the daughter of the late Lou Gordon, veteran journalist, of WKBD’s "The Lou Gordon Program". Lou Gordon’s work spanned broadcast, radio and print journalism. He was a beloved crusader in the Detroit area and true voice for the voiceless.
"He was Detroit’s Mike Wallace, a broadcast cop who cowered before no one. The bigger the interview, the tougher he got. Most interviewers bowed and scraped before Bob Hope, but Gordon asked him about his defense of President Richard Nixon during the Vietnam era. Gordon questioned George Wallace’s sanity - to his face. Gordon was, by far, the most feared man in television, maybe in the history of the local medium."
From Soupy to Nuts! A History of Detroit Television, by Tim Kiska, Momentum Books LLC, 2005.