Sample Letter Requesting Copy of Personnel File 


Your Address 

Your Telephone Number




Mr. John Doe, Personnel Manager 

Doe Corporation 

Corporation City, Michigan


Dear Mr. Doe:


This is a request for a copy of my personnel file made under Section 4 of the Bullard-Plawecki Employee Right-to-Know Act (Public Act No. 397 of 1978). I am a former employee of [name of employer], having worked as [your job title] at [location of employer] from [hire date] through [termination date]. My Social Security number is [insert SOC].


I am requesting that you email me a copy of all information contained in my personnel file, including any record used or that may affect or be used relative to my  ________ [insert: qualifications for employment, promotion, transfer, additional compensation, disciplinary action, termination].


I understand that there is a fee for copying this information, which covers the cost of copying, and I will be happy to pay this amount upon receipt of my personnel file. If you require payment in advance, please let me know the amount as soon as possible. 

Thank you.



Your Name